Boots On The Ground!

The Church In Boot Camp

The Church In Boot Camp?



Transforming Servants Into Foot Soldiers

2020 ushered in a new era. The global shutdown created a shift of every entity, including the Church. No more business as usual! As houses of worship were forced to close their doors to members and the public, and some remain unopened, a question to ask then and now is, "Did (does) the community miss you?" Did (does) the city miss you?" Quarantine forced local churches to reassess their impact and respond accordingly. God, however, spoke loudly in the silence to "Let the Church BE the Church!" Catapult Boot Camps was birthed to assist pastors and congregations to make the shift to an empowering model that mobilizes the laity for greater Kingdom impact - both societal and geographical. The call in this new era is "BOOTS ON THE GROUND! Transforming Servants into Foot Soldiers." Contact us to learn how we can provide tested and proven strategies to empower, mobilize and prepare your congregation for deployment - both domestically and globally.


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